Manchester, CT
Sometimes you might need more research or information. Sometimes you just need a new gi or practice weapon. Here are the resources that we use and recommend.
Haruo Matsuoka Sensei - One of the greatest and most honorable Aikidoka of our time
Martial Arts Association - International - One of the oldest and largest independent martial arts orginizations
AikiWeb - Web forum dedicated to the art of Aikido. Lists Dojos, Seminars, etc.
Aikido Journal - Another fine web forum dedicated to the art of Aikido
e-Bogu - Top notch martial art uniform and equiptment supplier.
Bugei - Top notch katana dealer.
Bukico - Great quality bokkens properly sized to realistic katana proportions.
Nine Circles UK - Fantasic quality hakama at reasonable prices.
Bushikan Aikido Kai - The umbrealla organization of Bushikan Aikido.